In the video below you'll see how my student Spenser was able to dramatically transform his singing voice in about a year studying with me.
"Since training with Phil Moufarrege, I can easily access my mixed voice. My vocal range, strength and stamina have increased a ton. I feel much more in control of my voice and can confidently sing notes I would have been nervous to even attempt when I first started. I can sing seamlessly past my break and well into the next octave with more strength, compression and accuracy."
Before we started working together Spenser felt his voice was a big barrier blocking him from singing his original music the way he wanted. He had a limited range and felt like he didn't have the vocal freedom, consistency or stability to sing the way he wanted.
Now he can finally get his songs completed without his voice being a barrier and now he has the freedom to sing his songs the way he wants and he has been pursuing a professional career with his songs. His ...
In just a few weeks I helped Greg Giraudo increase his vocal range up to D5 in a useable way and gain more freedom and dynamic control in his existing range. Here is a cover he did of QUEEN's Show Must Go On after working with me for just a few weeks.
It takes a lot of vocal range to sing in the range of Freddie Mercury. You don't just need to sing high either, you need to be able to sing high with POWER as well.
A thin, shaky "mixed voice" won't cut it either. You need to be able to sing in a very chesty, solid full voice.
The way I teach this is by STAYING IN chest voice, not "smoothing the vocal break" or "hiding the transition".
Is it really possible to do that without getting stuck, losing your voice or straining or sound like you're shouting?
When you have a voice with this kind of power, control, range and stamina it gives you a TON of options and versatility as a singer. It opens up the doors for you to sing so many more songs with confidence.Â
No longer do you have to...
I just did a vocal cover of Chris Cornell's song Gasoline. Check it out here:
When I first started singing, songs like this were absolutely impossible...even the notes in the verses would have been way out of my comfort zone.
I used to go to teachers, read forums and they'd all say the same thing: "bridge into headvoice! Don't worry if it sounds weak, it'll get stronger later!"
But it never did.
In this song I'm in chest voice the entire time, even the high B4 screams I do. It's all chest voice.
The distorted screams I do on those B4's all stem from pure chest voice. The way I developed those and teach it is by first being able to really lean in and powerfully hit those notes CLEAN and LOUD first in a lower larynx position (almost like an operatic kind of sound).
Yes it can be done safely. In fact, once it's strong you can sing for hours with a ton of stamina. One of my students who has been struggling through his gigs told me that once he started working with me his stamina has improve...
Today I'm going to show you how a student of mine, Yago, increased his full voice vocal range by 4 notes, from F4 to A4 in just 3 weeks working with me.
When Yago first joined my program, he sent me an email saying:
"I've been singing for years and I've tried so many different teachers and techniques and I always end up straining on F4 and losing my voice every time.
Whenever I reach F or F#4 I start to strain or immediately go to falsetto. My goal is to develop a solid mixed voice, but no matter what I do it always seems impossible."
He started working with the program for a few weeks then asked for my feedback on some of the exercises. I gave him a few adjustments and then told him to come to one of the group coaching calls I offer in the program.
He came in and told me that just off that single tip I gave him in the email, it made a huge difference in his voice. I took him through one of the exercises to see how he's going with them and he zipped right up to the A4. He t...
How many times have you been told you need to "relax your throat and everything else" and have "no tension" when singing? This kind of advice ALWAYS frustrated me when I was first learning to sing because it left me with no actionable step on what to do.
I would sing up to F4 which used to be my highest note...strain and just be told "yeah you're straining, relax more!"Â Then I'd just flip into falsetto because I was too relaxed.
I didn't know what to do. I could only either choke and strain...or flip into falsetto.
The best thing for my brain was removing the word "relax" lol.
So I don't think of trying to "relax" a voice...instead I pinpoint what's weak in the voice, or what coordination is overactive and then I strengthen the weaker side of the coin so to speak until the balance is even.
Singing requires muscular effort. Heck, even STANDING requires muscular effort. But when you stand up, because it's so easy, you think "I'm just relaxed".
This is why I don't like the term "rela...
The most common areas you might get stuck with your chest voice range are going to be either:
In this video I'll show you what to do if you're getting stuck at either of those areas with your chest voice.
The way I build voices is in segments. Before trying to go higher, the first main goal is to build an extremely strong, solid chest voice up to your first bridge (F4 for guys, C5 for ladies). It needs to be loud, solid and clear. I go more into detail about this in my last video here.
So that's the first step. Get really good at your first bridge. Once you've done that then we can focus on how to approach the 2nd bridge.
If you're getting stuck at the 2nd bridge, then it's likely that your approach from the first bridge up is going wrong. Just because you can sing up to the notes doesn't mean you're doing it in a way that will take you to your goals.Â
This took me many...
Weak mixed voice? Just continuously "bridging into headvoice" may not fix the issue. It is only ONE PART of the answer. If your mixed voice is weak then it is likely that you need to STRENGTHEN your CHEST VOICE.
Here is an email I received:
"Dear Phil,
My mix voice is very weak and has a really bad tone which isn’t changing despite me trying various exercises.
I’m looking to learn how to strengthen this mix voice and make it actually usable when singing above the break.
Is this mix voice a good start or do I need to find a different approach?"
He sent an audio recording which I show in the video above.  What you're doing in this clip is actually NOT mixed voice. You're going from chest voice and flipping to falsetto. There is a common misconception that mixed voice is just about "smoothing the vocal break between chest voice and falsetto" but it's not. Mixed voice is actually just your chest voice extending beyond where your vocal break used to be.
Most people have this be...
Before training with Phil, I was convinced that I was anatomically incapable of singing above a G#4 in my chest voice without strain! And although it’s an ongoing journey, I am now getting up to B4 and high tenor C5 with increasing consistency and relative ease!
I’ve always felt that my voice was rigid and inflexible, and that the only way for me to sing well was to belt out those notes. Phil is showing me that this needn’t be the case, and I’m now starting to discover a flexibility and freedom in my voice that I’ve never felt before.
I have tried lessons with several singing teachers over the years, and have been extremely frustrated at my lack of progress. When I saw and heard Phil explain his background and the vocal struggles that he had overcome, it resonated with my own experiences, and I felt that he could help me where no one else has been able to...and he has!
Before working with Phil, I really felt that I had plateaued in my vocal development. I was frustrated that I couldn’t...
Since training with Phil Moufarrege, my range, vocal strength and stamina have increased a ton. I feel much more in control of my voice and can confidently sing notes I would have been nervous to even attempt when I first started. I also learned a lot about how my own voice works; I know how to easily access my mixed voice and understand the muscle coordination required as I sing in different ranges.
Before I started training with Phil, I couldn’t sing above an A4 and had a very harsh singing tone. Now I can sing seamlessly past my break and well into the next octave with more strength, compression and accuracy.
I used to have a very unbalanced voice, muffled in one part of my range and too much of a choked nasal sound in another. My voice is now much more consistent and smooth through all ranges. These were problems I couldn’t even hear in my own singing when I started, and never would have fixed had Phil not picked up on them.
I chose Phil as my teacher because I was looking
If you're a singer who has been stuck with a limited vocal range, or suffers from going hoarse after every practice session then I think you'll enjoy this singing transformation.
I started singing a year ago, and I've been extremely fortunate to have Phil as my first real vocal coach. I'd been looking on YouTube for singing tips for quite some time and ran across one of Phil's videos. The way he broke down how the voice functioned in a clear, systematic, and easy to understand way instantly drew me in. His no B.S, logical, and straightforward teaching style is something that seems pretty rare among vocal teachers these days.
When I first began, my voice was very muffled and dull, and the highest note I could hit was E4, which I would have to shout through. On top of that, I had an annoying vocal cord closure issue - which caused my voice to become hoarse after every practice session.
However, after taking singing lessons from Phil for 9 months, my voice has transformed incredibly! I
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