How to sing properly - your cheat sheet for knowing if you're on the right track or not

pro singing tips Nov 04, 2017

If you’re wondering how to sing properly and whether you’re on the right track or not with your singing - this article is going to be just what you’re looking for. 

I know you’ve probably been around the block before and you’re familiar with a lot of different singing methods, techniques, terminologies etc. and you might be wondering:

“What’s right and what’s nonsense?  I feel like I’m taking blind stabs in the dark…”

“What exercises/techniques should I be focusing on and how can I know if I’m singing properly?”

“I’m worried I might damage my voice if I keep going the way I am…”

What I hope to give you today is a “cheatsheet” for how to sing properly – so you have a good yardstick of what to look out for and how to know if you’re on the right track or not.  Sound good?

First up – I’m Phil Moufarrege and I’m a pro...

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